We're finally settled in and everything so I'm going to start posting pictures of the house as I have time. I've taken them so it's just a matter of uploading them all. I'll be adding them all to this post, so hang tight!

Front of the house w/ our minivan.

Front w/ bay window and entryway.

Front entryway. Front door on the left, garage door beside that and laundry room directly in front.

Front entryway again, hallway to living room on the right.


Kitchen 2

Bar in the kitchen/family room...and Athena

Family room

Family room skylights

Bay window in the family room

Dining room...we still have MORE boxes to go through. Oh, and our new coats! Mine is blue and his is mustard yellow :).

Family room/dining room/entrance to kitchen

Dining room

Living room and Bear's tail

Living room and Athena peeking out the patio doors.

Living room

Athena and the patio door

The backyard and Bear. Look...we have big tree!

Stairs...very important part of a two-story house.

Downstairs bathroom...across from the stairs.

Aramil on the first landing on the stairs.

Upstairs bathroom, across from the stairs.

Master bathroom

Master bathroom

Such a nosy bear!!

Nursery, not quite finished yet.

The huge, gorgeous crib! I'll post pics when we get the crib set and mattress on.

Right side of the closet

Left side of the closet